Saturday 21 February 2015

EVALUATION Question 4 Who would be the audience for your media product? is an example of someone from our target audience. Her name is Eva Smith and she is 19. She is currently studying at the Media school at Bournemouth University. For shopping she mostly does it on the internet due to the somewhat alternative fashion sense she has; which does stray somewhat from the socially constructed stereotype of “normal”. For music she favours bands over single artists; examples include MUSE and Radiohead. Her favourite TV programs are EastEnders and Game of Thrones. In her spare time she likes to go out and take pictures of both urbanised and natural settings; as well as this she enjoys editing them on professional programmes such as Photoshop. Her favourite genre of film would be science fiction due to her specific interest in technology combined with futuristic hypothetical situations. We chose to target this bracket due to the fact that many of the interests were shown in our film so despite the niche audience it has a much more focused pull.

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