Saturday 7 March 2015

Evaluation Question 1 - in what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media? - Martha Ellison - 2041

1   1) The name of the film is light walker this supports the genre as the basis of the film is about how the world has been overtaken by the alien race, the light walkers. This can be compared to the film ‘alien’ as the name of this film links to the basis of how aliens are trying to overtake the earth. It suits the genre as it links to the sub genre of sci –fi, by showing the fact it’s different from others and that there is something happening. The title of our film ‘light walker’ can be linked to the film resident evil as they both have two words, but they both explain the basis of there film by there introduction.

2   2)The setting is typical of the genre as it links to the thriller genre, as its originally dark as dissolute, it shows the abandonment of the location and how the character is all alone. The location links to the sci fi genre as the technology focused in the background, which is an element of technology, which is highly associated with the genre of sci fi but also our film. This can be linked to the film red dawn, as in the film they rely on the skills they have learnt and they learn to improve them to help themselves out, just like in our film Tyler is using technology to try and help herself and the rest of the world

3       3)The costumes and props are typical of the genre as they are linked to thriller as she I dressed in tatty clothes, which suggest sleeping outdoors and running away from something. The props suggest the sci fi genre as they are mainly technologically based e.g. cameras and laptops. This links to the sci fi genre, as technology is a big part of our film and is also closely associated with the sci fi genre itself. The costumes in our film can be linked with the film ‘terminator’ as in this film they have been invaded and our dressed in clothes associated with losing everything and trying to survive.

4     4)The shots, angles and movement in our film are associated wit the sci fi thriller genre as we used the speeding up editing of some of our shots to show the fact that she’s in a hurry and everything is rushed in the environment because you never know what to expect to happen next. This therefore develops the conventions of real media products as we have added speeding up to develop our product to fit into the genre and so we have therefore associated our film with real media products. Our film can be linked to the film terminator, as they increased the speed of the terminators to show their supreme strength, but in our film we increased the speed to show urgency.

5)    The editing fits the conventions of the sci fi thriller genre as the jump cuts between the different aspects of the location Tyler’s left in, links to sci fi thriller films as jump cuts are widely associated with thriller genre, this helps to develop the conventions of real media products as it features one of the main editing skills widely used in thriller and sci fi films. Our film can be linked to the film ‘tomorrow when the war began’ as this films also uses jump cuts to show the location they are currently living in.

6)    The title, font, style and colour suit the sci fi genre, as the font is ‘space age’ which links to the theme of space or aliens, just like in the film where the earth has been invaded by aliens. The colour of the font is a luminous purple this is because you can identify a light walker by the purple in there eyes. And so the colour of the titles links to the sci fi genre, as it’s associated with aliens, our film could be linked to the film alien, as the font they use in there titles also links to the genre of there film, and they fact that aliens are involved in the film.

7)    The opening sets up the film as it shows the fact the character is trying to be inconspicuous and not draw attention to herself this is later explained by her sudden and paranoid movements towards the garage she lives in.  It also shows how she’s all alone but is also trying to hide from something, there’s something bigger out there that the audience isn’t aware of yet but she is. This could link with the film terminator as in this film they try to avoid drawing attention to them in order to avoid being attacked by the terminators; this is specifically shown in the terminator film termination salvation.

8)    The character is initially introduced outside but you really get to see the appearance of the character when she is talking to the webcam. She’s introduced as scared and lonely but it’s also showed her vulnerability in this world. The character is all-alone and has no idea if there is anyone out there this also links to an enigma of whether she is all alone or not. This can be linked to the film alien, as you are unaware as to whether, the main character is alone on the ship or not, and so this creates suspense which is an element of the thriller genre.

9)    We used speeded up motion of me walking to the garage to show the urgency of her movement and also how time is precious to her, like she needs to be aware of her surroundings but its dangerous for her to get caught out in the open. This can be linked to the film resident evil as it uses a lot of special effects to get across how the lead character has super powers and can stand out amongst the rest of the human race.

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