Monday 10 November 2014

9 frame analysis for Minority Report

1) Title and Font – The font of the film links closely to the Sci-Fi subgenre. This is accomplished by the font chosen. The font is digital which relates to technology. This is effective because we know that Sci-Fi thrillers tend to have an often disproportionate focus on technology.

2) Setting/Location – The image in the second screenshot clearly depicts an escalator in a subway. From this we can make the assumption that the film will be set in an urban environment. To contrast this however; the image shows an absence of people which is interesting due to the fact that urban settings are usually very crowded and filled with people.

3) Title – the title of the film is “Minority Report”

4) Camera work and editing - In the opening of minority report; I chose this scene to give an idea of camera work and editing because it uses a less straight forward approach into giving the audience an idea of what’s going on. The shot is a point of view shot which helps the audience feel like they are directly involved in the film, it also gives a feeling that someone is being watched which is common in Sci-Fi films.

5) Special effects - The special effects are very digital. This again relates to the Sci-Fi subgenre due to the use of technology. It creates a virtual image almost as if the scene is being viewed through a computer.

6) Characters – we are first introduced to a character in screenshot 6. This is Tom cruise who we know from the titles is the protagonist. However we are not directly introduced to him instead we see him again through (probably) a computer. The fact that he is the first actor seen on set shows the audience that he is one of the most important characters.

7) Plot – the opening of the film shows three people viewing a crime. However when we see this we are not aware of who or what is happening or how they are seeing this. This creates an enigma surrounding this fits with the sci-fi thriller genre due to the fact that it is set in the near future with an ethical issue of free will vs determinist. Sci-fi thrillers often use these ideas to create a more intellectual side of a film.

8) Genre – shot 8 shows a futuristic car which shows the audience that it is set in the future. This is because we obviously have no concept of these cars. This is common in Sci-Fi thriller films due to the fact that it gives a hypothetical scenario set in the future that allows the audience to contemplate possibilities that society could turn into.

9) Costumes/props – shot 9 is important in the opening of the film because it is the first introduction of the protagonist. However what stands out in this is that while he is being viewed probably on a screen, a gun is next to him. Looking at the iconography being this we know that if a gun is fired then a crime has usually been committed. This creates an enigma surrounding the main character due to the fact that while he is the protagonist; he may become the criminal…

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